Friday, September 5, 2008

Diet Soda IS BAD for you!

Okay, so I have a soapbox and I am a admitted health "nut" :) So, there is something that really bothers me because it has no redeeming benefits to a all. It is drinking diet soda (most people drink Coke). I did drink diet soda when I was in my 20's. Then, I stopped because I found out I may have cancer (and did, but that is another story) and wanted to rid my body of anything impure. After a while, I tried to drink real Coke-a-cola and (get this), I loved it. It tastes so good and it so refreshing. But, I limited myself to one a day, then one a week and now I rarely (maybe once a year) drink it. I feel so much better to order a tea or water now. I've read different health magazines, different newspapers and different web sites over the years and I hear nothing but bad things about diet sodas (and sodas for that matter)!

Here are a few of the bad things about diet sodas:

Cause weight gain - one article from Web Md, although I found a lot more

Increased risk of osteoporosis in adults (this article is about kids- Natural News)

Increased risk of heart disease and diabetes- ABC news

I am sure I could find more. Our society is so obsessed with weight, why don't teach our kids to eat healthy and be a better role model instead of drinking Diet Cola. I have heard my daughter ask my husband why he drinks a diet drink. I think that our kids (boys and girls) should grow up with healthy body images and not think that they are fat and need diet soda because Mom or Dad drinks it.

So, now you ask, what do you substitute for it. I know a lot of people drink it first thing in the morning, so you may need to find another ritual when first thing in the morning. I suggest drinking a hot or cold tea (Benefits of tea) or water with lemon.

Anyway, I hope you think about it!

1 comment: said...

I agree about the diet pop, although I still sometimes drink some. But my beverage of choice is iced tea.